Yuengling Packaging Rebrand

The last time Yuengling had underwent a brand makeover was almost 30 years ago. Utilizing consumer research to study the old packaging, a new, modernized design that subtly recalls the original color blocking was rolled out for the three main portfolio brands: Traditional Lager, Light Lager and Black & Tan. Leveraging the eagle, proudly the symbol of America’s Oldest Brewery since its inception, over 22 different SKUs that included both primary and secondary pack types were completely overhauled to better target the up-and-coming millennial drinker audience. Each of the three core brands were updated to work in cohesion yet still maintain each of their own personalities. A full ad campaign including traditional print, web, social media, out-of-home and point-of-sale was rolled out in conjunction with the new packaging.

This rebrand was the 2018 recipient of the American Package Design award in the beer category in conjunction with Bailey Brand Consulting.


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