
Mothers always say, “You must kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince.” However true that may be, it is still agonizing to come to the painful realization that the frog you’ve been kissing is indeed that — a frog, not a prince. That’s where Break-Uppers steps in to help. Break-Uppers is a line of greeting cards that are meant to be sent to an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, and are the last word in a relationship gone bad. With smart sayings and pushing-the-envelope humor, the innocent-looking characters are essentially the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood’s cape. Expanded into a line, the characters help the victim of a bad break-up get over the ex. With dinnerware, gift wrap, and other party staples, the cute characters aid in throwing a break-up party (similar to the divorce party, which is quickly gaining popularity) that re-introduces the person back into single-dom.


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